Archeologists Abound!

Posted on Nov 20, 2012 in Ancient Civilisations

Today we held our Archeology Exhibition! We were very excited to share our understanding of ancient history with the school community.

Over the last 5 weeks, we completed a great inquiry which involved selecting a civilisation, posing research questions, judging sources, finding and sorting out facts, making connections, writing paragraphs and producing a formal report. We’ve read millions of books, been on field trips and spoken to experts.

Finally, we designed artefacts to represent each of our research questions. We thought about where they could be found, how they would have aged and what they would tell an archeologist upon discovery. We had a wonderful time with clay, paint and a variety of found and smashed objects to create our “ancient” artefacts.

We also thought about how to explain our knowledge to an audience. We decided to make palm cards to help our memory and practiced using eye contact to communicate.

We are very thankful to the students, parents and teachers who visited our exhibition today.

We all took on the role of archeologists and used our best communication skills. It was great fun showing off our knowledge to the older and younger students. We are very proud of ourselves today.

Archeology Exhibition on PhotoPeach

What did you enjoy about the Archeology Exhibition?  What are you proud of?

What would you do differently next time?

What was your most interesting research question? What was the hardest part about research?

How are the legacies from your civilisation seen in the world today?



Join the conversation and post a comment.

  1. Ettie Zilber

    Dear Grade 4s
    I apologize that I could not attend your Archeology Exhibition today. I read your blog and saw the presentation and, as always, i am impressed with your love of learning, your inquiry, research and communication of your knowledge. Hat’s off to you all. (yes, the hats were such a nice touch!)
    Dr. Zilber

  2. Benedict Lim

    Dear Ms O’Dwyer,

    It was fun doing the presentation. i didn’t expect a lot of visitors to come and see me. I was proud of myself because i didn’t even look at my palm cards once.


  3. Joy

    Dear Grade 4,

    Thank you for your great exhibition. It was amazing. I could feel your endeavor and excitement yesterday. I was so proud of you all and had a chance to know more about ancient civilization ,which was new to me sometimes.

    Keep working and have fun while learning!


  4. Sadia SARKER

    Dear Grade 4
    The exhibition was great. Absolutely loved being there. You all must have worked very hard to put up such a nice show. I’m so proud of you all.

    Warm regards,

  5. Kazuki

    Dear Ms O’Dwyer

    I enjoyed writing my research journey because I could learn many things. I am proud of myself that I can do eye contact. If I did it again I would speak more loudly than last time. My most interesting research question is what food did ancient chines people eat? I think taking notes is the hardest part in the journey because it was hard to find information in the books. One of the legacies in my civilization is printing, printing is use to print books still.

    Kind Regards