Writing Workshop with Real Author!

Posted on Dec 5, 2012 in English, Storytelling

This week, Grade 4 met a real published author, Mr. Scott Crawford!  He has written novels, short stories and screenplays. Mr. Crawford was here at BISS to help our class write a story. He spent the whole morning with us in a writing workshop.

He was a very kind gentleman with lots of great ideas for creating stories. He gave us three scenarios for different genres. Our favorite scenario was about zombies, which we chose by voting. When we finished the story, we read it and thought, ‘This story’s genre should be thriller!’

Before we started writing, we planned our plot diagram with Mr. Crawford. We thought about the introduction, rising action, climax, resolution and conclusion. Planning is a very important step.

Then we wrote our story draft. The story was about Sajid (George) and his best friend, Benedict (Tim). Benedict became a zombie by accident. He drank a beaker that was full of unknown green liquid. And at the end, Sajid made “Undoing Zombie Medicine” and he sprayed it on Benedict. At last, Benedict went back to normal.

We made some revisions to our story and also proofread carefully for spelling, grammar and punctuation.

We all really love our story by Mr. Scott Crawford and us, the Grade 4 students. The workshop gave us many ideas for improving our writing. We learned about using dialogue, creating suspense and starting sentences with verbs. We aso had great discussions about genre, characters, plot and setting. Mr Crawford told us that it’s important to write what we know and keep some parts of the story realistic and believable. We learned that anybody and everybody can write stories and we should think about a variety of scenarios for each genre.

Writing Workshop with Mr Crawford on PhotoPeach



What did you learn about writing?


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  1. Benedict

    Dear Ms O’Dwyer,
    I was very exited of meeting Mr.Crawford, I never meet a real live author before, but it was hard work planning the story but, Mr Crawford gave us ideas that i liked. I was very happy that this day came true.

    Kind Regards,

  2. Geon woo

    Dear Ms O’dwyer

    Writing stories with a real author (Mr Crawford) was very fun! I didn’t think a real author would come, but he really came! I was very surprised when I saw the author. Thank you for inviting an author to visit us. It was exciting to write with him.

    Kind regards,
    Geon Woo

  3. Joshua

    Dear Ms. O’Dwyer

    It was great to make a story with a real-life author! I learned very a lot of information taught by Mr. Crawford. It was awesome working with Mr. Crawford.

    Kind regards,

  4. Na Youn

    Dear Mr.Crawford

    Thank you for visiting our class and writing a story with us!

    The story was really fun and interesting. I really appreciate it!

    Again thanks for use your time to visiting our class!

    What kinds of people help you?
    Where did you usually get ideas?

    When you were not an author, was your dream to be author?

    Kind regards,
    Na Youn

  5. Kota

    Dear Ms. O’Dwyer

    It was great to meet Mr Crawford yesterday.I enjoyed writing a short story with a real author.I learned that authors always think back and check on mistake.

    How did you call Mr Crawford to BISS?
    Do you know his phone number?

    Kind regards

  6. hyunseo

    Dear Ms.O’Dwyer,
    It was very exciting to write a story with Mr.Crawford.I was very surprised when Mr.Crawford came inside to our classroom.I learned many things about writing a story.

    Kind Regards,
    Hyun Seo

  7. Kazuki

    Dear Ms.O’Dwyer
    This was the first time I met a real author and I was very very excited to meet with Mr.Crawford. I really enjoyed thinking about our story but it was a little bit hard to think about ideas. My favorite part is the climax because Benedict will bite. Sajid’s part was also very exciting.

    • Diana

      Dear Grade 4

      We’ve finished the 1st semester in Grade 4!
      But we had a person leaving, Sang Won. I hope Sang Won always remembers us!
      But after a week, the vacation finishes and we can meet each other again! Did everyone had a nice time with your family?


  8. lronalds

    Grade 4,

    It is such a great opportunity to meet with an author! Just think Mr. Crawford was in school once and learning to write stories and reports and poems. And NOW…he is a published author!

    I remember when I was your age working with my friends learning new skills and now 2 of my friends are writers…one is a journalist and the other writes novels and short stories. I wonder if any of you will become authors/writers when you grow up?

    Keep up the great work! I look forward to reading your work from this unit.

    Ms. Lara

  9. Diana

    Dear Ms. Lara

    Thank you for commenting our blog!
    We hope you enjoyed our blog posts.
    For your question, I want to be a published author like Mr. Crawford! I’ve learned from this unit- 5 steps to make a story. Those were Pre- Write, Draft, Revise, Proofread and Publish. Did your class ever had use those steps for story- making?
