Step Back In Time!

Posted on Oct 9, 2012 in Ancient Civilisations

This week we are very excited to start our new unit on ancient civilisations!

We have been poring over books, asking questions and sharing our prior knowledge. We’ve also started reading a hilarious series of adventure books called the Time Warp Trio. Historical fiction lets us meet gladiators, mummies and emperors through fascinating stories. We are excited have a set of Kindles for our classroom reading, so we can download relevant books instantly!


Here’s Hyun Seo reading a factual book:

We already love studying history!

Soon, we will begin in-depth research into a civilisation of our own choice. People might choose to explore ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome or China.

Today we learned some important vocabulary for our unit:


We also asked a big question: Why do we study history? There are so many answers to this question!

Why do you think history is an important area of study?  Why do you find history interesting?


Join the conversation and post a comment.

  1. Benedict

    Dear Ms O’Dwyer,

    i was very excited to learn about Ancient Civilizations. Now I know quite a lot about Ancient Rome, Ancient Greece and Ancient Egypt. I am also learning about what they do daily. I have one question for you Ms O’Dwyer, is the rosetta stone true? Can you understand Egyptian words in Greek?

    From Benedict

  2. Geon woo

    Dear Ms.OD’wyer
    I think ancient history is very cool! I think we study history to learn about how ancient people lived and know about how the world looked in the the past. Also we can learn about what did they do when the are bored and what they ate when they were hungry. I think these are interesting things to know.
    From Geon Woo

  3. hyunseo

    Dear Ms.O’D Wyer,
    Thank you for teaching us ancient history. I didn’t know anything about ancient history before. But now,I am interested in ancient Egypt because I like mummies! And I also interested in ancient China,too. I want to know how long it took to build the Great Wall.

    Kind Regards,
    Hyun Seo

  4. Joshua

    Dear Ms. O’Dwyer

    I like the things we do and learn in class. History is the best thing I’ve learnt in Grade 4 – it is great! This learning reminds me of when I was in Grade 3. I learnt about ancient China because I was very interested. I think learning history is important area of study because if we don’t learn history than we wouldn’t know how people lived long ago. I think history is interesting because ancient people had different cultures from today’s culture, with only some things that are similar.

    Kind regards,

  5. Diana

    Dear Ms O’Dwyer,
    I am excited that we are going to do the same thing that last year’s Grade 4 did for the ancient civilizations exhibition. Last year when I saw it, I was really interested in Ancient Egypt, so I promised Sang Won and myself that I would get more information and choose Egypt as my research topic for this Unit Of Inquiry.

    But I wonder… how did first civilization start and how did the first people come to the earth?


  6. Poonnapa

    Dear Ms.O’Dwyer

    I am so happy to learn about new things. I am really interested in ancient Egypt. But I am scared of the mummies in our novels! Can I ask question? Did mummies have a life again? Why do they need to put the necklace on the mummy? I will try to be a risk-taker while I learn about ancient Egypt.


    Kind Regards,

  7. kota

    Dear Ms Odwyer
    I think studying history is important because you can see how ancient people’s life was, what they ate,what there house is made out of, and much more! It is my first time learning history so I find it really interesting.


  8. Dave

    Dear Ms O’Dwyer

    I think we study history because we need to learn about life long ago and because we are curios about the past. It’s also interesting to know what ancient inventions are things that we use today, in the modern world.

    Kind regards,

  9. Mr. Jarman

    Such an exciting UOI! I am happy to hear that so many of the students in this class are interested in learning about the past. I have an answer to Ms. O’Dwyers question. I think one reason to learn about history is so that we can use all the great ideas ancient societies invented. For example, ancient Greeks invented the Olympics and because it was such a great idea, we still use it today. What a wonderful legacy from ancient Greece! Similarly, if ancient civilizations made some mistakes, our society can study these mistakes. Then we know they were bad ideas and we can try a different way. Do you agree with my way of thinking?
    Mr. Jarman

  10. jermaine

    Dear Ms O’Dwyer

    It is good to learnt about history because then we can all learnt about ancient times and understand a lot about ancient civilisations, such as China.

    I think ancient things are are interesting becaues we all can learn more about what life was like a long time ago and I think that’s why history is interesting.

    Kind Regards